Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Wed 3/28/07 update...

Today I arrived at the hospital with Chris' mom, Mary and sister, Natalie. They flew in last night from North Carolina and stayed with me overnight. We arrived this morning to a renewed Chris. We arrived around 8 am and he was up, already having breakfast on his own in the cafeteria and was in the waiting room watching tv when we arrived. I took this as a great sign because this was the first time he ventured out of the ICU by himself. He was in much better spirits and throughout the day he was laughing and actually carrying on conversations with us, whereas before he was mostly answering questions and listening. It was great to be with him today. Shiloh has Jocelyn and brought her up to see Chris and his family today. That was a real treat as Natalie had never seen Jocelyn and Mary hadn't been here since just after the birth. It was fun for all of them to be together a little bit today.
As for Tyree's progress, it was determined yesterday that she DID NOT have a heart attack but what she has is a condition called "Post-Partum Cardio Myopathy". Basically that means that the birth of Jocelyn put a major strain on Ty's heart, causing it to enlarge and weaken. Since it has been so long since the birth, it has really weakened her heart and it is beating very irregularly and only pumping at 25%. This is something that as she recovers and is with us mentally, they will fix with medication for life, and a possible defibulator and/or pacemaker. They won't make any repairs or changes to her heart until she 'comes to' again. She has a breathing tube that she relys on for breathing so as to let her body rest. She can breathe on her own but the machine is doing it while she is in the sedation state. Her lungs are healthy and strong.
They have tried a couple of times to give Ty a 'sedation vacation' which basically means they have tried to bring her out of the coma. Each time as she has come off of the medication, after just a couple of minutes she is having seizures. They don't know if they are actual seizures or a side effect of the medication. They have her on anti-seizure medication so as to watch how she reacts when they try again for the next 'vacation', which is only once per day or so.
She looks good, only a minor fever and appears very at peace. I sat there reading to her today and I just had the feeling she was going to open her eyes. I can just feel it. I don't care what the stats are, I know she is going to have a full recovery. Please respond to this with positive messages and prayers. We will read the posts to Ty and print messages and inspirations for the "Wall of Faith" we have created in her room. We love her! Please also pass this blog onto your other family and friends who want updates. Thank you.


At 9:05 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You all are so strong and your faith has been an example and inspiration to me for more than a decade. My prayers for a miracle are with Ty, her sweet husband and that new baby who needs her mama. Love to you all.

At 9:27 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

NOTHING Is impossible for God,
it is enough that you believe,
for that reason, I am sure that Tyree will recover very soon too¡

My family, friends and I, we have been praying for her health and we will be continuing to do it.

I send to Tyree and for all of your family, my love and my blessing.

Marbella Ch. Johnson

At 12:53 AM, Blogger Trick said...

Great to hear! Thanks for the update! I thought about Ty greeting me with her usual cheery voice today, and it helped me get through a hard time.

At 10:15 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you for creating this blog and for keeping it updated. I heard about Tyree's condition on Tuesday night and have kept her (and all of you) in my prayers.

At 12:20 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am sorry to hear about the struggles you all are having right now but as I am reading through previous postings I feel a lot of peace and have agree with Erika that Tyree will wake up and all will be well. I haven't seen Ty for years but I know what a strong spirit she has...she is a fighter (she had to be growing up, didn't she?)

Could you post a picture of them?

At 12:48 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm both stunned and strengthened to learn of this. If there is anything (other than the obvious thoughts and prayers) I can do for either side of the family, please let me know.

At 8:02 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I messed up my it is again.

At 10:34 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

My husband's cousin had post-partum cardiomyopathy after given birth for the first time. Although it was very scary for everyone involved, she recovered and was able to leave the hospital 6 months later. My prayers are with you. -Ruth

At 4:35 PM, Blogger Maureen said...

I have peri partum cardio myopathy. I have been a survivor since 5-3-06. My EF was at 35% at diagnosis and I have improved. If you need to talk email me at

Best wishes



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