Friday, March 30, 2007

Friday Update

Okay, I see that no one else has given an update on Ty today so I will do the job---what a blessing!
Anyway, I was with Ty all of last night (Thursday) and well into the early afternoon. She was resting nicely in the night with only one tremor/slight seizure. The wonderful staff bathed her and then covered her in nice smelly lotions and powders. They did her hair in a cute ponytail and did a little massage. The nurse was telling me of all of her daily responsibilities, bathing the patients is her favorite part as she can do something just for them to make them more comfortable. I thought that was sweet. That is definately something I could NEVER do for a living! Anyway, after her bath, she settled down for the night. We put on the country radio station and Ty was resting peacefully for several hours, despite the constant interruptions by nurses, aides, etc.

She has had many visitors today. Our grandparents from Tucson and Mayer, AZ were both by to see her. Also many friends from across the state. Our brother Joel came in from Washington state as well. It is just a regular party up at her place! We have completely taken over the ICU waiting room, complete with bedding and food! It is great to feel the love and support from so many of you.

Later in the morning, the medical staff decided to give Ty a 'sedation vacation' again. They turned off her sedation meds and watched her vitals. For 5 minutes, the nurse was right there by Ty's side with me. Her vitals did not change at all--a great thing! The nurse then left the room and I got Jason in there with me. We started talking to her and rubbing her arms. Jason was holding her hand and TY WAS GRABBING BACK!!! He tried to pull away but Ty wouldn't let him! We kept talking to her and we saw her try to open her eyes, they were too heavy for her so I held them open for her (as the nurse had instructed we could). She was trying to focus her eyes and we held up a picture of Jocelyn in front of her. It was VERY obvious she was trying to focus. This was at about the 12 minute mark of her 'vacation'. When she did focus, the look on her face totally changed--from that of complete relaxation to one of terror. She realized something was wrong! She knew she was in a strange place! As soon as she had this realization, all of her machines started to go off and the nurse was right back in there ending the 'vacation'. The nurse said Ty was just having a seizure, but Jason and I know otherwise! We felt that she was with us for just a brief moment. It was a slice of heaven and has given us more hope than we've physically had in few days. Jason and I cannot discount what we saw and experienced today. I don't care what medical explanation the doctors give us about what happened, we know she was with us MENTALLY today!

Chris wasn't in the room when all of this happened but when he returned, we told him what happened. He was a little disappointed that he missed it but we told him not to worry as this was just the 'rehersal' for the big unveiling that was to come shortly. He liked that. He also had a good night's sleep away from the hospital at our Uncle Bruce's house (bless his family for being so flexible with the parade of house guests!) which was good for his spirits.

Today has been a bright spot of hope for us. We can't help but believe that Tyree will be back soon as her usual self. Thank you for all of your love and support. We use every small victory as stepping stones to winning the war! Thank you also to all who are fasting with us today, the strength of your faith is defintely felt by our family.


At 10:14 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

That is GREAT news! I believe that you are right...she did figure out that she was in a strange place and that something was wrong and it freaked her out. And the not wanting to let go of Jason---well duh! She wants to get better and get out of there and back to her baby! You GO Ty! Take all the time you need to get strong...but just not too long! We all need you back 100%!

At 11:15 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Travis called me today to let me know about Ty's condition. Melenie and I are so sorry to hear about what has happened to her. We consider Travis family, so please know that Ty and all of you are in our thoughts and prayers. The signs of life that you saw are a blessing from our Heavenly Father, keep the faith and she will be back with you soon.

Matt & Melenie Ottosen

At 12:33 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm so glad that somebody thought to include the vast amount of Johnson cousins in fasting and prayer. The voices combined ought to ring in pretty powerful. I remember Tyree and family from Johnson Reunions past. We'll add our prayers. Thanks for including the picture and for keeping us informed.

At 6:30 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tyree, there are few people in life that you meet that make a lasting impression, even if you really don't spend a lot of time around them. You are one of those people. Your love of life and others is infectious. You simply can't help but smile in your presence and want to be around you. We feel blessed to have been able to get to know you when you lived here in Georgia and felt a void when you moved. While we didn't get to interact as much as I would have liked to, please know I am grateful for the friendship and kindness you showed towards my family. Thank you for your example and inspiring me personally.

I, too, know that all of these prayers are being heard. A little over a year ago I lost my father. He was in and out of the hospital ICU and he flat lined a couple of times. He, however, was not in a coma. The testimony he shared with us during those short flat lines he had will forever impact my life. One of the experiences he shared with my family is he said "You really don't know how IMPORTANT your prayers are. They are being heard." He also with the strongest conviction told us that our Savior lives. He had a very sacred experience that we were grateful he was able to return to us and share.

Thank you very much for keeping us all posted on her condition so we can continue to know what specific things we can help pray for. I know how difficult this is. Your family is in our constant prayers and thoughts. Thank you also for allowing us the opportunity to post comments as well. Posting cards and notes in my father's ICU room would brighten his day so much. He loved to look at the pictures we placed on his walls of his family as well. It truly lifted his spirits. May the Lord continue to bless and comfort your family.

Rebecca Hall

At 9:01 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am grateful to hear that Tyree is making progress. I have been praying for her daily. I too, like Rebecca, appreciate the updates on Tyree, as well as the opportunity to share in the comments that are made.

There are a couple of things that have come to mind during the last couple of days. I thought I would pass them on so they might be beneficial to someone. The first is an article in the April 2007 Ensign. It is a talk by Elder David B. Haight that was originally given in 1989. He speaks of the experiences he had during a serious illness a few months prior. He too was in a coma and the things that he shares are very powerful.

The second is a scripture in Doctrine & Covenants 58:2-4.

"For verily I say unto you, blessed is he that keepeth my commandments, whether in life or in death; and he that is faithful in tribulation, the reward of the same is greater in the kingdom of heaven.

Ye cannot behold with your natural eyes, for the present time, the design of your God concerning these things which shall come hereafter, and the glory which shall follow after much tribulation.

For after much tribulation come the blessings. Wherefore the day cometh that ye shall be crowned with much glory; the hour is not yet, but is nigh at hand."

At 9:49 AM, Blogger Jennifer Shurbet said...

Tyree is unaware right now of all the mini-miracles that are being performed because of this experience she is going through. I've heard several stories of strained relationships opening up, painful experiences that were unspoken about being discussed, spirits being touched and humbled deeper than imaginable thought. One of the most significant miracles was when a precious baby was brought to her mom despite hospital rules because of some good nurses who saw how much her mommy needed her baby. And of course the small, but extremely significant, signs Tyree gave yesterday telling us that she was on her way back. God has truly been listening to everyone's prayers and pleading for Tyree's recovery. It has been an amazing experience and blessing to observe.

Tyree you are so loved and admired and more cherished than ever. I hate that you are experiencing this trial, but I am learning that there is good coming from adversity. You are proving that in so many ways. I love you and can't wait to laugh and talk about our babies together again. See you soon!

Love, Jenn

At 10:20 AM, Blogger Shiloh and Eduardo said...

Additional comment on Ty's progress...Uncle Bruce, Aunt Cindy and I were all visiting Ty at the same time. I was going to make another attempt at singing to her. Uncle Bruce and Aunt Cindy asked what song I would be singing and I told them "Daddy's Whiskers". It's a song that we all would sing in the car on road trips or around the campfire. They got excited because they knew that one too and we all joined in trying to salvage the lyrics and tune to sound so what decent. Tyree's face started to soften and look like it was going to cry. Then she started shifting in her bed, took in a HUGE yawn and looked like she wanted to open her eyes! She did this two times and I just spoke to her asking her what she was trying to do. Telling her that we are here for her and thanking her for letting us try to wake her from her slumber. I was so overjoyed and overwhelmed by the possibility. I saw a piece of heaven in her face and I read her emotional expression in her eyes. Beautiful!

At 12:21 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tyree is such a beautiful and happy women. Covington, Georgia truly misses her, Chris and Tyler.
Because of Tyree's strength and faith, I know that God is holding her close to his bosom. I was Relief Society President when Tyree and Chris lost their first child. I was impressed by her strength. And Chris was such a loving, gentle, and tender husband to her. They are a beautiful couple.
We have such a tremendous respect for you. Please know that all of us in Covington Ward are praying for you. We love you.

Laura Escamilla
(and son, Jared)

At 1:03 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you for the invitation to fast and pray for Tyree. We have been family friends for years, this came as a bit of a surprise to us since we just saw Tyree's mom a month ago and Jennifer expressed her joy that she was a grandmother to Tyree's baby. We pray that everything will be o.k. that Tyree will be able to raise her baby and have a full recovery. This is a beautiful weekend to her a prophets voice, fast and pray for Tyree and feel our Saviour's love.

Feel His Comforting Love,
by Tamara Larsen

This life is a trial and a gift from heaven above,
To share our experiences on earth with those that we love.

At times our trials may seem too hard to bear,
But we can pray to God and have his spirit there.

The Holy Ghost can be with us when we choose the right,
To comfort our hearts and help us feel His light.

We can have a sense of peace that his work is true,
And know that our plans are what God would have us do.

The Lord will give us comfort in our time of need,
He will watch our actions and our faithful deeds.

The Lord will comfort us by his holy power,
And watch with unwavering love during our painful hour.

Take the time to feel His comforting love, the scriptures will testify,
“If thou endure it well, God shalt exalt thee on high.” (D&C 121:8)

Good luck, we love you.
The Larsen's

At 7:04 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tyree, I have never before witnessed such a miracle as this one that is now taking place! You have so many prayers for your recovery that Heavenly Father is sure to bring you back to us soon! The miracle has already started and I have no doubt that our prayers and fasting will be rewarded with your complete recovery. Thank you for being such a beautiful example of how we all should be. The number of lives you have touched is truley amazing. Thank you for allowing me to be so privledged as to be your friend!

I send my love and appreciation to Jennifer, Shiloh, and Erika for putting up with my pestering phone calls and for giving me the "personal updates" that I so desperatley seek.

I also send my love to Chris, Tyler, and Jocelyn. You are loved by so many people including my family. We will continue to pray for you all.

Much love,

Vida Kane


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